In order for the NAHPT to be successful as an organisation, we need members and a committee to represent those members. We are always looking for members to join our committee. We need to keep in contact with pharmacy technicians around the country and we always need fresh ideas and inputs. The committee meet approximately four times a year and we have our annual conference in spring.
If you are interested in joining our committee please email
You can also talk to any of the committee members at our conference.

Become a member & help us help you.
Terms and Conditions
Membership shall be open to all qualified Hospital Pharmacy Technicians.
It shall be subject to the payment of an annual subscription.
Any member wilfully refusing to subscribe shall be subject to expulsion.
All subscriptions shall be paid by the members as directed by the Committee and approved at the A.G.M.
To download our Membership Form, please click on the attachment below.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any question.